Become part of our Team!

Sesotec Life
But that is just the beginning −
there are many more excellent reasons to join our company:
vielf ltige aufgaben vielf ltige aufgaben

A wide variety of tasks

sicherer arbeitsplatz sicherer arbeitsplatz

Secure ­employment

flexible Laufbahn2 flexible Laufbahn2

Flexible career path

karriere weltweit karriere weltweit

Career ­opportunities in Germany and abroad

flexible arbeitszeiten flexible arbeitszeiten

Family-friendly working-time models

region mit lebensqualit t region mit lebensqualit t

A region with a high standard of living

umfangreiche sozialleistungen umfangreiche sozialleistungen

Extensive social benefits

betriebliche altersvorsorge betriebliche altersvorsorge

Company pension plan

private unfallversicherung private unfallversicherung

Private accident insurance

urlaubs weihnachtsgeld urlaubs weihnachtsgeld

Holiday and Christmas pay

essenszulage essenszulage

Lunch allowance

mitarbeiter events mitarbeiter events

Employee events

Service Technician T

Questions and answers

What career opportunities are available to me at Sesotec?

As a matter of principle, we provide our employees with secure jobs and our trainees with excellent prospects of being hired. We deliberately encourage our staff to assume responsibility and show personal initiative, which is why we gladly offer support in the form of tailored plans for professional development. This can include switching to a new business unit or making a lateral change to a new field of work. Our global set-up, which includes nine subsidiaries, as well as partners and customers across the world, also provides a wide range of career opportunities.

How flexible are the working hours?

A regular work week consists of 40 hours. However, we believe it is important to address the specific needs of our employees and facilitate a healthy work-life balance. This is why we have a flexitime policy in place for all areas of the company where it is possible from an organisational perspective. In addition, we also have various customised models that allow employees to achieve harmony between their professional and personal lives. Simply contact us if you are interested in learning more.

Where and how do I apply?  

Are you interested in one of our vacancies or vocational training offers? Or would you like to submit an unsolicited application? We would be delighted to hear from you! Please provide the following documents and information for a compelling application:  

  • Cover letter
  • CV in a tabular format
  • The most relevant school reports, training certificates, university transcripts and job references
  • Your salary requirements and the earliest date when you could begin

You can find all vacancies in our job portal.
You can apply directly online there.

Note: If you have any difficulties with the online process, please feel free to call us at
+49 (0)8554 308-1840.

Sesotec GmbH
Human Resources
Regener Str. 130
94513 Schönberg

Tel: +49(0)8554-308 1840

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