Case Studies

Jan 09, 2019 | Sesotec

X-Ray Technology for inspection of coffee in metalized packs

Sesotec's RAYCON guarantees reliable detection even in metallic or metallised packaging materials.

The business of Sesotec´s reference customer Khao Shong Group Co.,Ltd. is the coffee blending. Over the years, developed Khao Shong the perfect manufacture process to ensure the optimal flavour of the coffee.

Committed to nature and to the efficient use of resources this customer also strives to achieve highest quality. He thus was able to establish himself on the market and to win the confidence of various OEM customers for whom he produces today.

In the production of coffee mix 3in1 (instant coffee, milk powder and sugar) broken metal particles from processing machines might contaminate the product. And if this coffee mix – as is the case with this customer – is packed in metallized packs it is difficult to detect such metal particles with conventional methods. Therefore, this company was looking for alternative methods for contaminant detection.

The RAYCON X-Ray inspection system from Sesotec is able to detect even smallest metal particles in metallized packs and to sort out contaminated products. Faulty activations are systematically avoided. It is quite easy to make such statements, but Sesotec in an extensive test run at the customer's plant also provided proof of the system's performance.

Says Chana Chiralerspong, Managing Director from Khao Shong Group Co.,Ltd.: "Sesotec's X-Ray technology at present is the best technology to meet the high demands of our quality management. And the experience we have in the meantime made with Sesotec's customer service further confirmed our decision for the RAYCON system."

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